Sunday, May 20, 2007

annotation 10...

"American Horse Meat Coveted in Europe" -Tom Lochner

Horse meat use to be thought of as a meat for the poor, but now many more people are eating it. It is actually quite good for you. "It’s lean, high in protein and low in cholesterol. It’s healthier than beef and costs about the same. It’s no longer the meat of the poor," says Alfred Bredel. According to Jean-Claude Terraillon, proprietor of J.CI. Terraillon, a Geneva horse meat wholesale and retailer, "The older the horse, the more tender it is; it’s the opposite of other meats," with the optimal age of slaughter between 10 and 15 years and a minimum of 7.

annotation 9...

"from Englsih Paddock to French Plate; As Gordon Ramsay Backs Eating Horse Meat, We Reveal How Thousands of Retired British Race Horses are Slaughtered and Sent to the Dining Tables of France" -Tom Rawstorne

Horse butcher shops are opening daily around France to serve those who decied to eat this meat. Many of theses horses are failed or injured race horses that once were worth tens of thousands of dollars. Though the transporting conditions may be rough for the horses, the actual death is as quick and painless as possible. The horse is first lead into a 12 by 12 foot metal stall, then shot in the brain with a .22 rifle, with a bullet designed to do maximum damage and insure instant death. They are then lifted up by their hindquarters and have their throat cut, and the slaughtermen get to work until only a carcass of meat remains.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Research Essay Outline

-attention getter: Over the past thirty years, the number of horses slaughtered annually has fluctuated drastically, with numbers reaching as high as 300,000 in the United States alone (Geoffrey S. Becker). These horses, slaughtered the same way that cattle are, were first struck in the head, left to bleed, then chopped up, and shipped off mainly to Europe (Dan McGraw).
-preview: how killed/statistics, new bills proposed, anti-slaughter (ethical), pro-slaughter
-thesis: There are several controversies surrounding the three remaining horse slaughter plants in the United States.

Body Paragraphs:
First Body Paragraph-how killed/statistics

-topic sentence:

-back up info:

-"From English Paddock to French Plate; As Gordon Ramsay..." -Tom Rawstorne

-"A Horse is a Course of Course. Or is it a Pet?" -Dan McGraw

-most other articles have statistics....

Second Body Paragraph-anti-slaughter side of the issue
-topic sentence:
-back up info:
-"An End to Slaughter?" -Anonymous

-"A Horse is a Course, of Course. Or is it a Pet?" -Dan McGraw

-"The High-Stakes Battle Over Horse Slaughter" -Jim Motavalli

-"Killings of Wild Horses Spark Outrage, Legislation" -James R. Carroll

-"Horse Slaughter Prevention Bills and Issues" -Geoffrey S. Becker

-"Animal Advocates Fight to Keep Horses Off the Menu" -Scott Gold

-"Wild Horses Lose Protection from Slaughter" -Rebecca Rosen Lum

Third Body Paragraph-anti-slaughter ....ethical (extra info too) side of the issue
-topic sentence:
-back up info:
-"A Horse is a Course, of Course. Or is it a Pet?" -Dan McGraw

-"Horse Slaughtering Deeply Divides Racing, Breeding Community" -Rick Maese

-"Horse Slaughter Prevention Bills and Issues" -Geoffrey S. Becker

Fourth Body Paragraph-pro-slaughter
-topic sentence:
-back up info:
-"From English Paddok to French Plate; As Gordon Ramsay..." -Tom Rawstorne

-"A Horse is a Course, of Course. Or is it a Pet?" -Dan McGraw

-"Horse Slaughtering Deeply Divides Racing, Breeding Community" -Rick Maese

-"American Horse Meat Coveted in Europe" -Tom Lochner

-"Killings of Wild Horses Spark Outrage, Legislation" -James R. Carroll

Fifth Paragraph-opinion (anti-slaughter)
-topic sentence:
-back up info:

-restate thesis: There are several controversies surrounding the three remaining horse slaughter plants in the United States.
-re-preview: how killed/statistics, new bills proposed, anti-slaughter (ethical), pro-slaughter

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

annotation 8...

"Horse Slaughter Prevention Bills and Issues" -Geoffrey S. Becker

Non-data base internet source

From the three United States foreign owned slaughter plants -two in Texas, one in Illinois- 105,000 horses were killed there in 2006. Most of this meat went to Europe and Asia for human consumption. There are large debates on the ethics of horse slaughter, bringing the problem up to Congress and the Senate. In the House of Representatives, on June 8, 2005, they passed a bill that would take away funds for the inspection of horses under the meat inspection act. Many different bills have been proposed, mostly for the ban of slaughtering horses for human consumption, along with a few bills in favor of wild horses and burros.

annotation 7...

"Killings of Wild Horses Spark Outrage, Legislation" -James R. Carroll

41 mustangs, perfectly healthy, were sent to slaughter due to a new flawed federal program. Many congressmen and senators are very upset with the killings of these once wild horses. But a few have introduced a bill to outlaw the sales of mustangs. In 2005, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) halted sales when the heard of the slaughter. A separate effort has been brought up to ban any slaughter of horses, whether they be wild or domesticated, for the comsuption of humans. Republican Representative Ed Whitfild said that no horse should be slaughtered for human food, especially a horse under the protection of the BLM. There is an estimated 64,000 American horses slaughtered annually by the three foreign-owned plants in the United States, with the meat being exported to other countries.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

annotation 6...

"Wild Horses Lose Protection from Slaughter" -Rebecca Rosen Lum

" A provision slipped into a federal appropriations bill silently killed a 1971 law that kept feral horses from being sold to slaughterhouses." It forces the Bureau of Land Management to sell all unadopted horses and burros and keep the profits. This mainly targets the wild horses that are over 10 years old (past likely adoption age) and young horses that have been to three auctions with out being sold. Senator Conrad Burns, who created this, says that his intentions were to keep the wild horses from overpopulating and running out of food. Some say it will not work, because the horses can just be brought to other states. Renee Been said, "This ends 33 years of protection."

annotation 5...

"Horse Slaughtering Deeply Divides Racing, Breeding Community" -Rick Maese

There is a huge controversy over the slaughter of horses. If a federal ban of horse slaughter were to go into effect, it would not solve the underlying problem: these unwanted horses. Many feel that it could lead to more abuse and neglect of horses. 15 years ago, each year more than 300,000 horses were slaughtered annually, but that number has decreased by 85 percent (mainly due to the fact that horse meat is no longer a main ingredient in pet food) AND abuse reports have NOT substantially increased. In the United States, horses are classified as live stock: in the same category as a cow or pig (when talking about slaughtering). BUT historically, these are not the American ideals. Horses have played a key role in the developement of America.

annotation 4...

"The High-Stakes Battle Over Horse Slaughter" -Jim Motavalli

There are many disputes over the three remaining United States slaughter houses. On March 10, 2006, Congress voted, and took away all funds towards meat inspectors at the slaughterhouses, when sending products overseas. But the petitioned the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to pay for the inspectors themselves -and was approved. Animal rights activists are slowly making changes in the society. One Texas slaughterhouse is close to closure due to unpaid fines, and a public nuisance (blood and other substances are clogging sewers).

annotation 3...

"A Horse is a Course, of Course. Or is it a Pet?" -Dan McGraw

In 1998, California voters were about to make a crucial decision about horse slaughtering. If it passes, it would make it a felony punishable by up to three years in jail to sell a horse to be slaughtered for human consumption in California, though there are no slaughter houses in California. Humanly euthanized horse still may be used for pain thinner, soaps, and pet food, just not for consumption. In 1997 alone, there were an estimated 87,000 horses killed in the four slaughter houses of the United States. If this is (was) passed, some equine veterinarians believe that it may cause more horse neglect due to the cost of euthanization and disposal of the horse vs. getting paid to have it slaughtered.

****Note: it was passed.

annotation 2...

"Animal Advocates Fight to Keep Horses Off the Menu" -Scott Gold

Since the outbreak of mad cow disease in Europe, horse meat has been at a higher demand in the United States and Canada, but there is a strong movement to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption in the United States. California was the first state. Because of this higher demand, the price of horse meat has risen from 50 cents per pound, up to 60 cents per pound. In this movement, they are also trying to help the wild horses that have been round up and sold at auction. They would like to make that illegal as well for the wild horses to go to slaughter. In the United States, horses are not thought of as a food animal, such as pig or cow, they are thought of as a pet -its like sending your dog or cat to the slaughter when you are done with it. In the United States, its just not right.

Friday, April 20, 2007

annotation 1...

"An End To Slaughter?" -anonymous

A new bill has been proposed to the United States House of Representatives that could put and end to horse slaughter. If passed, all slaughter of horses for human consumption would become illegal in the United States. Horses also may not be shipped to Canada or Mexico for slaughter.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Favorite Place in the World

My favorite place in the world is filled with fresh air and a gentle breeze (actually its usually pretty strong wind). I go there to escape from everything. Its a very calming, and fun place to be. I usually go there with a few of my good friends. I have been going there on at least a weekly basis for the past five years of my life. There are about 50 animals there, all are beautiful. These animals have become such a big part of my life. Its more than a hobby. For the past 6 months, I have been out there nearly everyday. It puts me in such a great mood when I go out there. The smell of grass and hay (big give away! ha ha).

This should be a pretty easy one to figure out! Especially if you know me!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Raft- 3/20

I am hoping that for 3rd trimester we get to keep using the blog. I like it. It makes homework more exciting. Whooo. Although, in class, it would be nice if homework for that night was a bit better outlined.

For spring break I went on a cruise! It was a lot of fun! There was constant food... ICE CREAM MACHINES! I am pretty sure that I gained some weight on this trip. Every single meal I stuffed myself so full I thought I was going to puke. Mmmm... We stopped at San Juan, Puerto Rico. We got there at like 5 pm so we didnt get to see all that much of it. It seemed dirty. There were lots of little shops everywhere and a really creepy guy that barked at a lady. Quite weird. Then we went in this one shop and in knocked a bunch of things off the shelf then the owner kind of yelled at me. Oops. Then I left that shop. We also stopped at St. Thomas and St. Maarten. Both were very beautiful and had lots of very cute little shops. I must say that I like St. Maarten a little better though. On St. Thomas we went to one of the top 10 prettiest beaches, Magens Bay, and layed in the sun all day. It was nice. After the cruise we stayed in Miami Beach for 2 days because we couldn't get a flight back. Again, lots of laying in the sun and playing in the ocean. But the ocean here was very cold so I just floated in my inner tube and almost fell off a few times from the waves. Well I am getting board and I think that this is long enough so I am going to be done now.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Essay Outline

-attention getter: "much stronger evidence now of human actions on the change in climate that's taken place," Rajendra K. Pachauri (Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
-problem: Global warming is causing major destruction.
-give some evidence and contributing factors...
-thesis: Global warming, due to certain human activities, is causing major destruction of both the environment and society around the world.


*global warming...
- : Over the past 100 years, the earth has warmed by 1' F.

- : During the 20th Century, global average surface temperatures have increased by .7' and 1.5' F. During the last century, the sea level has risin by 6-8 inches. 1-3 of those inches caused by the expansion of water due to increased ocean temperatures, and the rest due to melting glaciers. Along the U.S. and Gulf coasts, the sea level has risin .08 to .12 in the last year. In some places, the rate of sea level rise is up to .36 inches a year, such as the Louisiana coast. The sea level rose 1-3 inches more in the 20th century than the 19th (more human activity). According to NASA's Earth Observatory, the sea level has been rising at a rate of 9 to 13 inches a century.

-NOAA and NASA's 2005 Surface Temperature Analysis: : the average surface temperature has risin by about 1.2' to 1.4' F. since 1900. the average surface temperature has risin by about 1' since 1970. The earth's surface temperature is rising at a rate of 3.2' F./ Century.

-Antarctica: In 150 years, the average Antarctic ice core temperatures have risen .2' C.

+why does this matter?-National Geographic- Global warming is causing ocean currents to slow, in turn not supplying the North Atlantic with warm water. Since the 1950's, the current towards NW Europe has declined by 30%. In the amount of deep cold water going to the tropics from the North Atlantic, there has been a 50% drop. Also, warm waters are staying in the tropics, 50% more.

*ice sheet recession...
-"LA Times": Greenland's glaciers are melting two times as fast as they were five years ago. On some days, the temperature on the ice cap were up to 20' above normal. Each year, Greenland is loosing up to 52 cubic miles of ice sheets. Since 1991, the average winter temperature has risin by about 10'. Since 1996, the ice stream has tripled its speed to about 3 feet per day.

-Antarctica 2: Antarctica is shrinking due to global warming. Between 1992 and 1999, the inland glacier of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet lost a total of 31 cubic kilometers of ice. This glacier alone is decreasing in size by about 4 gigatons per year, in turn raising the sea level by about .01 millimeters. If this entire ice sheet melted, the world wide sea level would increase by about 5 meter, flooding many costal cities.

-Global Warming?: Greenland's ice sheet, the largest, is increasingly shrinking.

*global damage...
-"Hurricanes": Judith Curry, professor of atmospheric sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, says that "Global warming [is] to blame for the past two horrific hurricane seasons...". She believes this because worldwide the sea surface temperatures have increased by about 1', making about a 50% increase in tropical storm activity, particularly in the past decade. She also says, "...some external force is raising sea surface temperatures in tropical regions."

-Newsweek 1: There are many signs on Earth all pointing to a not-so-distant drastic weather change, resulting in a severe decrease in food production, in as little as 10 years from now. Main regions of impact include Canada, the USSR in the North, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indochina, and Indonesia; some of which growing season's depend on annual monsoons. There is abundant evidence supporting this prediciton. Since 1950, England's farmers have seen a decline in their growing season by about two weeks, resulting in an overall grain loss of about 100,000 tons annually estimated. Likewise, around the equator, the average temperature has risin by a fraction of a degree. But in many instances this results in drought.

-Global Warming?: Even moderate amounts of global warming will cause devestation. Coastal cities will be flooded, water supplies will become contaminated with salt, heat wave, droughts, and floods would increase in both frequency and intencity if global warming continued. There has been a build up of CO2 (an increase of about 25%), that traps heat and warms the earth. Volcanic eruptions also contribute to this epic.

-Contributing Factors:
- : since about 1750 (the industrial revolution), the greenhouse effect has increased, caused by the burning of fossil fuels and biomass (living material: vegetation), cutting down forests, and the use of aerosols that trap and release heat and reflect sun light. These all change the compostition of the atmosphere, which in turn effects the weather. There have also been changes in the Earth's surface compostion (deforestation, reforestation, and desertification). It can change how much sun the land reflects and absorbs.

-"Newsweek 2": There has been an increase in the amount of dust and aerosols (droplets of liquid in the air, composed mostly of sulfuric acid.) in the atmosphere since 1970, comming from increased agriculture and the burning of coal in power plants.

-"Washington Files": Thomas Karl, director of the National Climatic Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said that, "Some greenhouse gases are increasing in the atmosphere because of human activities and increasingly trapping more heat."

-McClatchy Article: On September 11, 2006, 19 American and European scientists stated, "Humans are largely to blame for the recent trend toward more powerful hurricans." They developed a chain that linked the burning of fossil fuels by means of cars and factories, the overall warming of the Earth, and more powerful hurricanse (category 4 + 5, higher intensity and duration). There main findings being that the wind speed of hurricanes goes up and down with the rise and fall of sea surface temeratures.

-Newsweek 1: The climates natural changes, in part, contribute to global warming.

-Time Magazine 1: The climates natural changes contribute to global warming (again), along with human activities such as the burning of coal and oil then being released into the air. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has doubled.

-NASA 2: According to satillites, models, and ground observations, scientists say urban areas are contributing to the global warming by means of asphalt, buildings, and aerosols. The increased amount of aerosols most likely collect water, and preventing the water to collect into droplets. Asphalt changes water run-offs, and wind behaviors. Also, air pollution delays when percipitation falls, resulting in heavier storms over the unnatural areas.

-Stanford University: Historically, the Earth has gone through phases of warming and cooling. We are currently in a warming phase.

-Global Warming?: People are causing global warming by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and cutting down forests.

-Restate Thesis- Global warming, due to certian human activities, is causing major destruction of both the environment and society around the world.
-Summarize key evidence + contributing factors...
-Solution: limit the amount of fossil fuels that can be burned and aerosol cans that can be used. This in turn will lower the effects of global warming and slow the ice sheet depletion process. ***make more in depth
-Attention Goer: "Global warming is not a conqueror to kneel before - but a challenge to rise to. A challenge we must rise to." -Joe Lieberman (Connecticut Senator)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day 5: Climate Webquest


*global warming...
- : Over the past 100 years, the earth has warmed by 1' F.

- : During the 20th Century, global average surface temperatures have increased by .7' and 1.5' F. During the last century, the sea level has risin by 6-8 inches. 1-3 of those inches caused by the expansion of water due to increased ocean temperatures, and the rest due to melting glaciers. Along the U.S. and Gulf coasts, the sea level has risin .08 to .12 in the last year. In some places, the rate of sea level rise is up to .36 inches a year, such as the Louisiana coast. The sea level rose 1-3 inches more in the 20th century than the 19th (more human activity). According to NASA's Earth Observatory, the sea level has been rising at a rate of 9 to 13 inches a century.

-NOAA and NASA's 2005 Surface Temperature Analysis: : the average surface temperature has risin by about 1.2' to 1.4' F. since 1900. the average surface temperature has risin by about 1' since 1970. The earth's surface temperature is rising at a rate of 3.2' F./ Century.

-Antarctica: In 150 years, the average Antarctic ice core temperatures have risen .2' C.

+why does this matter?-National Geographic- Global warming is causing ocean currents to slow, in turn not supplying the North Atlantic with warm water. Since the 1950's, the current towards NW Europe has declined by 30%. In the amount of deep cold water going to the tropics from the North Atlantic, there has been a 50% drop. Also, warm waters are staying in the tropics, 50% more.

*ice sheet recession...
-"LA Times": Greenland's glaciers are melting two times as fast as they were five years ago. On some days, the temperature on the ice cap were up to 20' above normal. Each year, Greenland is loosing up to 52 cubic miles of ice sheets. Since 1991, the average winter temperature has risin by about 10'. Since 1996, the ice stream has tripled its speed to about 3 feet per day.

-Antarctica 2: Antarctica is shrinking due to global warming. Between 1992 and 1999, the inland glacier of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet lost a total of 31 cubic kilometers of ice. This glacier alone is decreasing in size by about 4 gigatons per year, in turn raising the sea level by about .01 millimeters. If this entire ice sheet melted, the world wide sea level would increase by about 5 meter, flooding many costal cities.

-Global Warming?: Greenland's ice sheet, the largest, is increasingly shrinking.

*global damage...
-"Hurricanes": Judith Curry, professor of atmospheric sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, says that "Global warming [is] to blame for the past two horrific hurricane seasons...". She believes this because worldwide the sea surface temperatures have increased by about 1', making about a 50% increase in tropical storm activity, particularly in the past decade. She also says, "...some external force is raising sea surface temperatures in tropical regions."

-Newsweek 1: There are many signs on Earth all pointing to a not-so-distant drastic weather change, resulting in a severe decrease in food production, in as little as 10 years from now. Main regions of impact include Canada, the USSR in the North, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indochina, and Indonesia; some of which growing season's depend on annual monsoons. There is abundant evidence supporting this prediciton. Since 1950, England's farmers have seen a decline in their growing season by about two weeks, resulting in an overall grain loss of about 100,000 tons annually estimated. Likewise, around the equator, the average temperature has risin by a fraction of a degree. But in many instances this results in drought.

-Global Warming?: Even moderate amounts of global warming will cause devestation. Coastal cities will be flooded, water supplies will become contaminated with salt, heat wave, droughts, and floods would increase in both frequency and intencity if global warming continued. There has been a build up of CO2 (an increase of about 25%), that traps heat and warms the earth. Volcanic eruptions also contribute to this epic.

-Contributing Factors:
- : since about 1750 (the industrial revolution), the greenhouse effect has increased, caused by the burning of fossil fuels and biomass (living material: vegetation), cutting down forests, and the use of aerosols that trap and release heat and reflect sun light. These all change the compostition of the atmosphere, which in turn effects the weather. There have also been changes in the Earth's surface compostion (deforestation, reforestation, and desertification). It can change how much sun the land reflects and absorbs.

-"Newsweek 2": There has been an increase in the amount of dust and aerosols (droplets of liquid in the air, composed mostly of sulfuric acid.) in the atmosphere since 1970, comming from increased agriculture and the burning of coal in power plants.

-"Washington Files": Thomas Karl, director of the National Climatic Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said that, "Some greenhouse gases are increasing in the atmosphere because of human activities and increasingly trapping more heat."

-McClatchy Article: On September 11, 2006, 19 American and European scientists stated, "Humans are largely to blame for the recent trend toward more powerful hurricans." They developed a chain that linked the burning of fossil fuels by means of cars and factories, the overall warming of the Earth, and more powerful hurricanse (category 4 + 5, higher intensity and duration). There main findings being that the wind speed of hurricanes goes up and down with the rise and fall of sea surface temeratures.

-Newsweek 1: The climates natural changes, in part, contribute to global warming.

-Time Magazine 1: The climates natural changes contribute to global warming (again), along with human activities such as the burning of coal and oil then being released into the air. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has doubled.

-NASA 2: According to satillites, models, and ground observations, scientists say urban areas are contributing to the global warming by means of asphalt, buildings, and aerosols. The increased amount of aerosols most likely collect water, and preventing the water to collect into droplets. Asphalt changes water run-offs, and wind behaviors. Also, air pollution delays when percipitation falls, resulting in heavier storms over the unnatural areas.

-Stanford University: Historically, the Earth has gone through phases of warming and cooling. We are currently in a warming phase.

-Global Warming?: People are causing global warming by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and cutting down forests.

I propose a nation-wide decrease in the amount of fossil fuels burned. Develope more economically efficient cars, etc... things like that.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Day 3: Tartan Problem

-Tartan Highschool students are skipping class.

-The office T.A.s have been bringing many pink slips to classrooms usually indicating a missed/skipped class.
-Some kids you see in the beginning of the day and end, but are gone in the middle.
-You actually see people leaving school.
-You also see people coming in school.

Contribuing Factors:
-People want to skip class to miss a test they are not ready for.
-To go have fun with friends.
-If there is a substitute teacher they think that they can get away with it easily.

-Have more teachers/staff "on guard" during passing time. Have them block the door ways.
-Have more severe punishments if caught skipping class.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Day 1

If I had two friends who did not get along with eachother and I wanted them to be friends I would sit them down together and have them talk. I would have them talk about common interests to try to find things that they have in common. If they had something in common they would be more likely to become friends. I would also have them talk about things they believe in and things that they do not believe in. Hopefully they would find more in common. I would try to keep them talking as long as possible so they could find as much as possible in common. I would also have them talk about what it is that is keeping them from being friends. I would get them to work out all there problems.